Why is it important to learn a new one all your life?

Is it worth it to waste time, effort and means to learn something new when he graduated from the university and chose a profession? An expert on time management for women Catherine Blessyaty helps to answer this question.

Our life is the process of acquiring skills in various fields. We learn to walk, dress, speak, read and write. As we grow old, we need more and more complex skills – professional, social and cultural.

We are not born with a set of skills, but we get them, making efforts. Self -development, personal growth is what determines the quality and standard of living.

The skill and desire to learn allows you to adapt to the realities of a rapidly changing modern world, to keep the mind sharp, and thinking is not stamped, to remain competitive in the labor market.

When you need to put an end to your development?

In childhood, we learn with pleasure, but having become adults, we gradually lose the motivation and desire to learn something new. Most people after graduation simply use the knowledge and skills that they have mastered before. Their brain lives without training for decades.

But when we are talking about the ability to master the new, the age does not matter. You can start learning English at 50, sign up for

Tenez-vous dans la pose de Doggi, abaissez lentement la moitié supérieure du corps sur le lit et répandez légèrement les jambes. Il prend sa place, entre – et déplace les cuisses. C’est ainsi que la profondeur de pénétration optimale est atteinte et d’augmenter le degré de plaisir, il est possible de passer de temps en temps et de propager les jambes. Sous les acheter cialis soft vous pouvez mettre un oreiller et si vous tournez la tête de côté, il pourra arriver et s’embrasser.

a dance studio at 60, take yoga lessons at 70, and so on. Why is the acquisition of new skills so important and in which areas it can be useful?

Regulation of your own indifference

The information entering in huge volumes must be able to process and filter, choosing the main thing and cutting off the excess. The habit of living “with a phone in your hands”, dependence on the computer and the Internet lead to the fact that we practically do not leave ourselves time to unload the brain. Stress and tension grow, insomnia begins, attention is scattered. It is important to learn how to remove “noises” and use gadgets correctly.

Implementation in the professional field

If several decades ago with the profession it was necessary to decide “once and for life”, now the situation has changed. There are more and more new specialties related to the Internet.

It is important to be open to new information and realize that at any time you can choose another, more interesting and relevant type of activity. In particular, to master some new profession in 1-2 months and start earn with its help, most often-more than where he worked earlier.

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